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It's not often that one of the pastor's assign homework, but this is one of those times. Last Sunday I (Mark) talked about the ripple effect Jesus wants to have in our lives: like a stone dropped in a pool of water, His transforming influence is meant to extend to every area of our lives. Right thinking about Jesus does not go far enough, because Jesus is pursuing more than our minds; He has our whole life in view. 

Last Sunday, we focussed our attention on 1 Corinthians 6:1-11, and discovered that following Jesus affects the way we understand, and practice, business; Jesus intends to be Lord of all. This coming Sunday we are going to focus on 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, and discover that following Jesus means recognizing that He stakes a claim over our sexuality as well.

We live in a sexually charged world, and it is into this world that Jesus speaks. The One who created men and women, designing sex and sexuality, has something to say on the subject, if we have ears to hear. What does Jesus have to do with sexuality? The simple answer is, everything

I'm looking forward to teaching next Sunday and would like to give you a head-start in your thinking. I've attached a link to a blog written by one of my former professors at Regent College, Dr. John Stackhouse Jr. I trust you will find this blog helpful, thoughtful, and insightful as we consider what it means to think "Christianly" about sex and sexuality.

So read up, and don't leave your homework to the last minute...I'll look forward to seeing you next Sunday.

Grace to you, and Peace,
