Summer Sunday Services Update
To grow our experience of community and to provide some rest for staff and volunteers this summer, we will have one service at 10 am each Sunday from July 28th through September 1st. This will also be a great opportunity to connect with people in our congregation who regularly attend a different service than you! Nursery (age 0-24 months) and Children's Ministry (Preschool to Grade 4) will continue to be available each week. |
Summer Serve
Our amazing volunteers deserve a summer break and our NSA Kids need YOU on Sunday mornings this summer! Will you step up and step in to help them grow closer to God? Let us know when and how you can help by filling out the sign-up form at the link below. We’ll contact you soon to confirm your registration and answer any questions you have. Thanks for Loving God and Loving Kids this summer! For more infomation visit: https://www.nsac.bc.ca/ministries/nsa-kids/pages/summer-serve-2024
NSA Kids Outdoor Games DaysTuesdays, August 6th, 13th & 20th Join us for loads of fun in the sun at North Shore Alliance Church! Kids ages 5 to 10 are welcome. Bring your friends too! The more the merrier! For more infomation visit:
NSAC Moms & TotsWednesday, August 14, 2024 Moms of Littles, and Expectant Moms! Mark Wednesday, August 14th on your calendar for another chance to connect in a safe and play-filled OUTDOOR environment: meet at Bridgeman Park (625 Mountain Hwy, North Vancouver) at 10 am! We had a great time at our past gatherings and would love for you to come join the fun! (No registration required.) |
Life Event Announcements
Sharing significant life events with our church family fosters community and provides opportunities to pray for one another and praise God in our lives. Let us know if you would like to share a life announcement in our NSAC e-bulletin! (e.g. birth, engagement/marriage, milestone birthday/anniversary, or death) Please call the church office or email info@nsac.bc.ca by noon on Thursday. If you would like to share a photo with your announcement, please include this in your email as well. |
Bring Your Own Mug to Church
Please bring your own reusable mug on Sunday mornings to help us reduce the number of disposable cups being used each week. |
Financial Update
Thank you for giving to the ministries and mission of North Shore Alliance Church. If you have any questions please contact accountant@nsac.bc.ca |