We are looking for a number of volunteers to serve with the Preteen Ministry.  Particularly, we are in need of 5-6 guys/men to serve as small group leaders at Heinz.  

There are several volunteer positions to consider:

D.I.G. leaders
 serve 3 weeks/month during either the 9 or 11 am Sunday morning service. Leaders come ready to teach the curriculum that the PreTeen coordinator has prepared in advance.  They are excited to get to know the students and to lead in a group setting.  They are expected to contribute approximately ½ hour teaching and ½ hour preparation, 3 weeks a month.  

Heinz leaders serve every second Thursday from 7:00-8:30 pm.  Leaders mentor students in a small group setting, and also help run games, crafts, and activities during the large group session.  They are expected to contribute approximately 2 hours every 2 weeks, plus attend a 1½ hour leaders meeting once per month.

Event leaders serve once per month, typically on a Friday night between 6:30-9:00 pm; although some events are overnight or on a Saturday.  Leaders are ready and willing to step up in a variety of roles including: creative planning, running a station, leading a small group in a game, and chaperoning/security.  They are expected to contribute approximately 3 hours per month, plus additional time co-planning one event during the year.  

If you are interested in helping with the PreTeen ministry or would like more information please contact our coordinator, Jen Tiv, at: jent@nsac.bc.ca